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10 right course of action

Last updated Feb 11, 2023 Edit Source

    Ten wholesome actions: 1. Abstaining from killing living beings 2. Abstaining from stealing 3. Abstaining from sexual misconduct 4. Abstaining from false speech 5. Abstaining from malicious speech 6. Abstaining from harsh speech 7. Abstaining from gossip 8. Abstaining from coveting 9. Abstaining from ill-will 10. Possessing Right Understanding of the Dhamma (from Majjhima Nikaya 41)

    Right Action:

    abstaining from injury to living creatures – pāṇātipāta (= mutual kindness and support) + abstaining from taking what is not freely given – adinnādāna (= respect for personal property) + abstaining from improper sexual relations – kāmesumicchācāra (= not violating cherished persons) +

    Right Speech:

    abstaining from lying – musāvāda (= truthful speech) + abstaining from malicious speech – pisuṇā vācā (= harmonious speech) + abstaining from harsh speech – pharusa vācā (= polite speech) + abstaining from frivolous speech – samphappalāpa (= reasoned, constructive speech) +


    Right Intention: non-covetousness (anabhijjhā) + non-aggression – abyāpāda (= lovingkindness) + Right View → happiness (sugati) → liberation (vimutti). {524}