100 titles and descriptions for Buddha
100 titles and descriptions for Buddha (some of the Pali is shown in parentheses): 1. All-seeing (Annadatthudasa) 2. All-transcending sage (Sabbabhibhu Dhiro) 3. All-vanquishing sage 4. Arahant (fully enlightened) 5. Awakened One 6. Best of those who can be tamed 7. Blessed One 8. Brahma (as in master of the brahma-viharas) 9. Buddha (Awakened One, Enlightened One) 10. Bull among men 11. Bull among seers 12. Bull of the Sakyan clan 13. Caravan leader 14. Conqueror of beasts 15. Conqueror of Mara (Maraji) 16. Consummate in knowledge & conduct 17. Dhamma 18. Discoverer (in the Dhamma after it died out) 19. Dispeller of darkness 20. Elucidator of meaning 21. Endowed with all the foremost marks 22. Endowed with knowledge and good conduct (Vijjacaranasampanna) 23. Exalted One 24. Expert with regard to the world 25. The Eye 26. First in the world 27. Foremost jewel 28. Foremost of all people 29. Foremost of charioteers 30. Foremost of those who can cross 31. Foremost sage 32. Fortunate One 33. Freed (nibbana) 34. Fully enlightened one 35. Giver of the deathless 36. God of gods (Devadeva) 37. Gotama (his family name) 38. Great One 39. Great seer 40. Guide (Nayaka) 41. Healer (meditation types) 42. Helper (Natha) 43. Helper of the World (Lokanatha) 44. Him-of-the-Ten-Powers (Dasabala) 45. Incomparable Charioteer of men to be tamed 46. King of the Dhamma (Dhammaraja) 47. Kinsman of the sun 48. Knower (enlightened) of the World (Lokavidu) 49. Knowledge 50. Lion (of the Dhamma; Siha in Pali) 51. Lion Man (Narasiha) 52. Lion of the Sakyas (Sakyasiha) 53. Lord Buddha (respectful, devotional title in appreciation for the teachings) 54. Lord of sages (Muninda) 55. Lord of the Dhamma 56. Master Gotama (referring to being a teacher with his birth name) 57. Noble One (by attainments, not birth) 58. Of excellent wisdom (Varapañña) 59. One who sees (Cakkhuma) 60. One who transcends all (Sabbabhibhu) 61. Peaceful sage 62. Peerless bull 63. Perfect in knowledge and practice 64. Physician (Bhisakka) 65. The Perfect One 66. Pure (enlightenment) 67. Radiant One (Angirasa) 68. Recluse (monk not attached to home or possessions) 69. Related to the sun (Adiccabandhu) 70. Rightly self-awakened 71. Sakyamuni (Sage of the Sakyas) 72. Samma-sam-Buddha (teacher of the masses, rediscovering Dhamma) 73. Self-dependent (Sayambhu) 74. Shower of the way 75. Siddhattha (his given name) 76. Stainless (pure in virtues) 77. Sublime One 78. Supreme among those who can be released 79. Tathagata (the one ―thus-gone‖ or ―thus-come―) 80. Teacher (Sattha) 81. Teacher of divine and human beings 82. Teacher of the world (Lokagaru) 83. Thoroughly mature 84. Torchbearer of mankind (Ukkadharo manussanam) 85. Training leader (Vinayaka) 86. Ultimate leader 87. Unconquered conqueror 88. Unexcelled trainer for those people fit to be tamed 89. Unsurpassed charioteer of beings to be tamed 90. Unsurpassed doctor and surgeon 91. Unvanquished (Anabhibhuto) 92. Vanquisher (Abhibhu) 93. Victor in battle 94. Wanderer (monk gone forth from lay life) 95. Wellfarer 96. Well-gone one (Sugata) 97. Wielder of power (Vasavatti) 98. With great wisdom (Bhuripañña) 99. World-knower 100. Worthy one (There are even more, but these are the major 100 titles used in the Pali Canon.)