12 links of Dependant Origination
The 12 parts of Dependent Origination: 1. Ignorance, then conditional volitional or willful actions, 2. Conditioned consciousness, 3. Conditioned mental and physical phenomena, 4. The six senses, 5. Conditioned contact, 6. Conditioned sensation, 7. Conditioned desire, 8. Conditioned attachment, 9. The process of becoming, 10. Conditioned birth, 11. Decay, 12. Death, sorrow, pain, and then the process starts over. (from Samyutta Nikaya 12.23)
Avijjā (ignorance) → saṅkhāra (volitional formations) → viññāṇa (consciousness) → nāma-rūpa (mind-and-body) → saḷāyatana (six sense bases) → phassa (contact) → vedanā (feeling) → taṇhā (craving) → upādāna (clinging) → bhava (becoming) → jāti (birth) → jarāmaraṇa (aging-and-death).
The existence of various elements (dhātu-nānatta) → the various forms of contact (phassa-nānatta) → the various kinds of feeling (vedanā-nānatta) → various perceptions (saññā-nānatta) → various thoughts (saṅkappa-nānatta) → various desires (chanda-nānatta) → various passions (pariḷāha-nānatta) → various forms of seeking (pariyesanā-nānatta) → various forms of acquisition (lābha-nānatta).
D. III. 289; Ps. I. 87. ‘Elements’ (dhātu) here refer to the eighteen conditions: the six internal sense bases, the six sense objects, and the six forms of consciousness.