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32 signs (or marks) of a Great Man

Last updated Feb 11, 2023 Edit Source

    1. He has feet with a level sole (Pali: supati thapado). Note: “feet with level tread,/ so that he places his foot evenly on the ground,/ lifts it evenly,/ and touches the ground evenly with the entire sole.” (Lakkhana Sutta) 2. He has the mark of a thousand-spoked wheel on the soles of his feet (Pali: he thapadatalesu cakkani jatani). 3. He has projecting heels (Pali: ayatapa ni). 4. He has long fingers and toes (Pali: digha nguli). 5. His hands and feet are soft-skinned (Pali: mudutalahathapado). 6. He has netlike lines on palms and soles (Pali: jalahathapado). 7. He has high raised ankles (Pali: ussa nkhapado). 8. He has taut calf muscles like an antelope (Pali: e nimigasadisaja ngho). 9. He can touch his knees with the palms of his hands without bending. (Pali: thitako va anonamanto). 10. His sexual organs are concealed in a sheath (Pali: kosohitavatguyho). 11. His skin is the color of gold (Pali: suva n nava no). “His body is more beautiful than all the gods.” (Lakkhana sutta) 12. His skin is so fine that no dust can attach to it (Pali: sukhumacchavi). 13. His body hair are separate with one hair per pore (Pali: ekekalomo). 14. His body hair are blue-black, the color of collyrium, and curls clockwise in rings. (Pali: uddhagalomo). 15. He has an upright stance like that of brahma (Pali: brahmujugatto). 16. He has the seven convexities of the flesh (Pali: satusado). Note: “the seven convex surfaces,/ on both hands, both feet, both shoulders, and his trunk.” (Lakkhana Sutta) 17. He has an immense torso, like that of a lion (Pali: sihapuba dhakayo). 18. The furrow between his shoulders is filled in (Pali: pitantara mso). 19. The distance from hand-to-hand and head-to-toe is equal (Pali: nigrodhaparima n dalo). Note: incidentally, these are also the ideal proportions according to Leonardo Da Vinci‘s Vitruvian Man. 20. He has a round and smooth neck (Pali: samva dakhando). 21. He has sensitive taste-buds (Pali: rasagasagi). 22. His jaw is like that of lion’s (Pali: sihahanu). 23. He has a nice smile 24. His teeth are evenly spaced (Pali: samadanto). 25. His teeth are without gaps in-between (Pali: avira ladanto). 26. His teeth are quite white (Pali: sukadanto). 27. He has a large, long tongue (Pali: pahutajivho). 28. He has a voice like that of Brahma (Pali: brahmasaro hiravikabha ni). 29. He has very blue eyes (Pali: abhi nila netto). Note 1: “very (abhi) blue (nila) eyes (netto)” is the literal translation. Nila is the word used to describe a sapphire and the color of the sea, but also the color of a rain cloud. It also defines the color of the Hindu God Krishna. Note 2: “His lashes are like a cow’s; his eyes are blue. Those who know such things declare ‘A child which such fine eyes will be one who’s looked upon with joy. If a layman, thus he’ll be/ Pleasing to the sight of all. If ascetic he becomes, Then loved as healer of folk’s woes.’” (Lakkhana Sutta) 30. He has eyelashes like an ox (Pali: gopa mukho). 31. He has a white soft wisp of hair in the center of the brow (Pali: una loma bhamukantare jata). Note: this became the symbolic urna. 32. His head is like a royal turban (Pali: u nahisiso). Note that this denotes his cranial protrusion, visible on Buddhist iconography. This is not part of Buddhism, but rather a remnant from Brahmanism and other ancient beliefs. When the seer Asita came to visit the new born Buddha-to-be, Siddhattha Gotama, he mentions that he sees the signs or marks of a great man and lists some of them. This confirms that this concept is a pre-Buddhist idea.