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33 synonyms for nibbana

Last updated Feb 11, 2023 Edit Source

    : 1. The Unconditioned 2. The destruction of lust, hate, delusion 3. The Uninclined 4. The taintless 5. The truth 6. The other shore 7. The subtle 8. The very difficult to see 9. The unaging 10. The stable 11. The undisintegrating 12. The unmanifest 13. The unproliferated 14. The peaceful 15. The deathless 16. The sublime 17. The auspicious 18. The secure 19. The destruction of craving 20. The wonderful 21. The amazing 22. The unailing 23. The unailing state 24. The unafflicted 25. Dispassion 26. Purity 27. Freedom 28. Non-attachment 29. The island 30. The shelter 31. The asylum 32. The refuge 33. The destination and the path leading to the destination (from Samyutta Nikaya 43)