8 Nutriments for Ignorance
Monks, and ignorance too, I declare, is a specific condition. And due to its nutriment, it manifests. I declare:
- Ignorance has its nutriment: the five hindrances.
- The five hindrances have their nutriment: the three ways of wrong conduct. 3
- . The three ways of wrong conduct have their nutriment: lack of sense restraint.
- Lack of sense restraint has its nutriment: lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension.
- Lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension has its nutriment: improper attention.
- Improper attention has its nutriment: lack of faith.
- Lack of faith has its nutriment: not listening to the true teachings.
- Not listening to the true teachings has its nutriment: not associating with superior people.
When non-association with superior people prevails, not listening to the true teachings will prevail. When not listening to the true teachings prevails, it will make a lack of faith prevail…. When the five hindrances prevail, they will make ignorance prevail. In this way, ignorance has its nutriment and becomes complete. A. V. 113-14.