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9 Nutriment of Knowledge and Liberation

Last updated Feb 11, 2023 Edit Source

    1. Supreme knowledge and liberation have their nutriment: the seven factors of enlightenment.
    2. The seven factors of enlightenment have their nutriment: the four foundations of mindfulness.
    3. The four foundations of mindfulness have their nutriment: the three ways of good conduct.
    4. The three ways of good conduct have their nutriment: restraint of the senses.98 {521}
    5. Restraint of the senses has its nutriment: mindfulness and clear comprehension.
    6. Mindfulness and clear comprehension has its nutriment: wise reflection.
    7. Wise reflection has its nutriment: faith.
    8. Faith has its nutriment: listening to the true Dhamma.
    9. Listening to the true Dhamma has its nutriment: association with superior people.

    When association with superior people prevails, it will make listening to the true Dhamma prevail. When listening to the true Dhamma prevails, it will make faith prevail…. When the seven factors of enlightenment prevail, they will make supreme knowledge and liberation prevail. In this way, supreme knowledge and liberation have their nutriment and become complete. A. V. 114-15.